Lack und Lederball ist ein super schönes Event für alle im Fetish Bereich angesiedelten, wir werden Vorort präsent sein mit Schmuck, Accessoires und ausgefallenen Outfits. Natürlich könnt Ihr euch beraten lassen und unsere Goody Bags kaufen 🙂 schaut einfach vorbei: Lack und Lederball Schloss Leiben! Datum: 25.1.2025 ab 20:00
Welcome to my new label VampyrGrey, my name is Lord Loel J. Grey.
VampyrGrey represents Fashion made by Lord Loel J. Grey with his energy his own hands and a lots of details. His knowledge as a fashion design er is based in Spain and elaborated in Austria. The fabrics he is using are high quality like silk, jacquard, line, silk cotton and so on. Every dress is based on his design and the customer specification. You can order your dress as you like and he will make it for you and nobody else. You will have your unique creation and only you will have the privilege to own also the original draw of your creation. You can contact him for unique dresses, headdress and more: